37 Sold Out
Mark Lewis's 35mm films, produced with professional casts and crews, are then transferred to DVD and projected onto white screens for the gallery space, and often accompanied by exhibitions of still photographs. Mark Durden identifies recurring themes within Lewis's work and the artist's inspiration in painting and structural film-making. In an illuminating essay, Joanna Lowry discusses how artists have used new technologies to extend the time of still photography, whilst artists working within video have been occupied with stillness and inactivity. Stella Santacatterina also explores the concept of time in visual art in a discussion of the work of Douglas Gordon.
features John Goto
Gilt City Paul Seawright
Hidden Douglas
Gordon Sculpting Time in the Work Mark Lewis
Anna Gaskell
half life Tom Hunter
Thoughts of Life and Death Paul Cunningham
England Deborah
Baker Ghosts in the Nursery Catriona
Grant The Examination Room Beth Yarnelle Edwards Suburban Dreams Max Kandhola Illustration of Life Jane Brettle Airside Peter Bobby Reception Roy Mehta Coastline John Kippin Man Woman Body Spirit
reviews Veil: Veiling, Representation
and Contemporary Art Chris Steele-Perkins
Fuji: Images of Contemporary Japan
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