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Peter Bobby
Reception IV, 2001
























Anna Gaskell, half life

Clare Strand, Gone Astray, 2003

Clare Strand
's and John Goto's staged photographs of metropolitan characters and types are accompanied by an essay by Val Williams in which she discusses these 'London Portraits' in the context of literary visions of 19th century London. Paul Seawright was commissioned by the Imperial War Museum to visit Afghanistan in 2002 after much devastation had been inflicted on the country. His responses to the destroyed and heavily mined desert landscapes of Afghanistan extend the aesthetic of his earlier photographic work.

John Goto, The Collector, 2003

Mark Lewis's 35mm films, produced with professional casts and crews, are then transferred to DVD and projected onto white screens for the gallery space, and often accompanied by exhibitions of still photographs.
Mark Durden
identifies recurring themes within Lewis's work and the artist's inspiration in painting and structural film-making. In an illuminating essay, Joanna Lowry discusses how artists have used new technologies to extend the time of still photography, whilst artists working within video have been occupied with stillness and inactivity. Stella Santacatterina also explores the concept of time in visual art in a discussion of the work of Douglas Gordon.

Paul Seawright, Mounds, 2002

Portfolio is delighted to announce the first annual Jerwood Photography Awards, which aim to support recent graduates in photographic art from UK degree courses. Five winners will each receive £2,000 and have their work published in the next issue of Portfolio, December 2003. For further information and a registration form, see link opposite.

Douglas Gordon, always, 2001


John Goto Gilt City
Clare Strand Gone Astray
London Portraits by Val Williams

Paul Seawright Hidden
Essay by David Chandler

Douglas Gordon Sculpting Time in the Work
of Douglas Gordon by Stella Santacatterina

Mark Lewis
The Impossible Image by Mark Durden

Mark Lewis, Algonquin

Slowing Down - Stillness, Time and the Digital Image
Essay by Joanna Lowry

Anna Gaskell half life
Essay by Kathy Kubicki

Tom Hunter Thoughts of Life and Death
Essay by Jane Fletcher

Paul Cunningham England
Essay by Roy Exley

Deborah Baker Ghosts in the Nursery
Erasing Time-Lines by Liz Wells

Catriona Grant The Examination Room
Essay by Jenny Brownrigg

Beth Yarnelle Edwards Suburban Dreams

Max Kandhola Illustration of Life

Jane Brettle Airside

Peter Bobby Reception

Roy Mehta Coastline

John Kippin Man Woman Body Spirit

Beth Yarnelle Edwards, The Toxic Calamity, 2001


Veil: Veiling, Representation and Contemporary Art
Review by Amna Malik

Chris Steele-Perkins Fuji: Images of Contemporary Japan
Review by Amanda Hopkinson

Paul Cunningham, Untitled 28, England 2001
























































































John Kippin
Untitled, 2000-03
































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